Hey C...Most of us understand exactly what you're going through. I've been struggling with shingles in my eye for about
4 months (yep) in addition to multiple serious CP issues. I've no doubt that depression and fatigue stroll hand in hand with CP, though not exclusive. I too, am so DOWN physically and emotionally, I've told my husband that I can't get my "give a crap" about
things back. I've just had my Zoloft increased to 150 mg daily. I'd started Zoloft in 1998 and it was a miracle for me. Strangely, the dermatologist who was treating me for hives (I was ripping my skin) said "You need medication!" He was right.
My only advice is don't give in to the fatigue. It will consume you. Try to remain active in some way (large or small). I look at tasks as "projects" that can be completed in "increments of time". That's my new normal.