I can understand your feelings, but I outgrew them a long time ago. My son who is now 15 is disabled but very functioning, but very needy of me
(they joy of being loved) I remember these very thoughts, just wanting to have time to myself when he was younger, but he was so incredibly out of control I couldn't get anyone to watch him.
I did pay a neighbor to watch him from time to time just to go shopping or something, and this was back when I worked full-time, have always been a single parent and couldn't get time to myself. I was on the waiting list for respite care, but 13 years later I either fell of the list or was removed
Any parent can associate with what you are going through, I just accepted the fact that I wouldn't get that for myself, and now if I need to do something he can take care of himself(I couldn't leave him all day), but now that I can do things, I have no desire to do them