Good morning everybody, I am new here and really need some of your advice. I have an aversion to medications after my first experiences with them but I think it's time to try again because I feel hopeless and desperate with this depression and anxiety. My behavior is causing great stress in my home and losing my family because of my condition is my greatest fear of all.
I was originally given trazedone to help with insomnia but it made me weak and dizzy and did nothing for my sleep. I was going to a clinic because I didn't have a primary care doctor and I really needed help fast. A physician's assistant put me on 20 mg paxil, 1mg of klonipin 3x a day and 15 mg of remeron all at once which made me sleep too much and feel over medicated. I had crying jags every day and so much sadness. She cut down the klonipin, doubled the paxil to 40mg and the remeron to 30 mg then changed the klonipin to clonidine .2mg 3x a day. Well this combination sent me over the edge. Besides terrible side effects I thought I had lost my mind.
I got a new primary care doctor who weaned me off the clonidine in three days and stopped the paxil immediately. I had painful withdrawals and awful brain zaps. I stopped the remeron, I just wanted off all this stuff but I was a wreck so I finally saw a psychiatrist after a long wait. He prescribed welbutrin 100mg and suggested Benadryl for sleeping but then went with remeron .75 mg. The welbutrin made me anxious and I know I didn't give it enough time because of my fears. He agreed with my going without meds and trying vitamins and fish oil but I am in real bad shape and can't sleep or deal with any responsibilities. Every day and night is a struggle. It's been a couple of months like this and I plan to get an appointment as soon as possible to try all over again. He said Cymbalta would be the next step but I am thinking of giving welbutrin another try.
Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful and blessed day.