No advice because your husband sounds ( scary are you watch me ? Lol) a lot like a male version of me. So I can only tell you what's going on in the corners of my mind. Firstly I have ADD finishing a project, to me is remembering to flush! I also am a writer I currently have two ( maybe three jury is still out on if it's 1 or 2 ) books in the works. I started my " main" project 15 years ago. I'm still working on it. Ok so the " anti social " could be I'm only guessing is his mind is busy. Like this ... I think of what I want in my book I play out the entire thing in my head before I write it down then I forget because I don't write it down if I write it down I don't remember why .... It doesn't bother me in the least unless it bothers my husband who says why are you withdrawn to which you just made me loose a good idea to which I tell you I don't like you right now. We have 19 years so yes there are things we look past and even love and hate at the same time. Does he have a lap top that really helped me because I write a little and then at done future date will figure out where everything goes. And the job thing he has to find something he loves. I mean LOVES like writing advertising etc. I found a job that deals with something I love travel and it's an ever changing company so you don't get bored. Yes bored. What is your hubbies IQ ? Mine is kinda high so I get bored easy. I couldn't finish high school I just couldn't because when my mind gets bored I start to be mischievous I'm 40 and still get into stuff. So I had a behavior problem at least that us what they called it. I started college right away 18 and was tested for learning disabilities.
So on that note. The most commonly talked about
is dyslexia. I don't have that besides d b and p 9 other that those little buggers I can read fine. Have you ever heard of discaulucla? (Sp)
I don't see numbers.
I have to talk to myself to dial a number on the phone even one that I have had for decades( I memorize the pattern not the numbers) I can't do math without talking it out loud. And calculators don't help because 24+45 isn't the same as 24+54 and if you can't see the order of the problem then you get the wrong answer. This was my main problem.
I can't read a traditional clock. Unless I concentrate on it.
My mind works like lightning and typing is even hard because I ca. Go faster than the keys. Even in the phone I have to wait until it catches up with me and hasn't auto correct it to in on to or etc still happens oh well I just don't have time for punctuation on my phone sorry I do know they are missing.
I also have depression even as a kid. I take medication but nothing seems to work to where I feel good most of the time. My brain really is a mess. I can multitask if I have to the more I am thinking about
the better off I am. Hence the Sherlock name. If you have ever watched BBC Sherlock and see how Benedict Cumberbatch and the producers bring sherlocks thought process to the audience is kind of like what it is like to be in my head.
Like thoughts firing at machine gun pace.
I know that like me even though your hubby isn't verbal but you are the center of his world the same as mine is the center of mine. I may not be the princess of affection but he is always on my mind.
Depression is so multi toned it is hard to say what he is feeling or thinking I don't think he can even articulate what IT IS. I know I can't tell anyone what if feels like. The words I can find sound so UN-unique UN- accurate UN exact that even telling a doctor or a therapist . I leave thinking oh no another Communication failure. I am very glad you came here looking for support I don't know if any of my nonsensical rambling helped or even made a lick of sense but I wish you all the best.
And about
the second snack, that is another of my faults I have no sense of time sometimes . It either crawls or flys and it isn't unusual for dinner to be at 8-9 p when my husband asked me to do it at 4-5p.
and I may just do something a already did like eat. Somedays I forget to eat somedays to can't stop eating. Some one just went how can you forget to eat? I do. My husband ( bless his heart) reminds me about
mid day to eat something.