Hi, I am a new member, you may have seen my last post, 'why am i so mad?!!". I am just getting into the idea that I am depressed. I have been sad for about 2 years now, but I never really thought of myself as being depressed.
One day, I was talking to someone from school, and she asked me why my grades were not as high as they should be (or at leats as my norm). She then asked me if it was because of depression.
All of a sudden, I knew. It hit me then and there. I'm DEPRESSED. I have all the symptoms.
I read through everyone's posts, and I can relate to almost everyone of them. I had no idea.
I am scared to talk to anyone, really about depression, because I don't want to be judjed accordingly. I don't know what to do. Should I tell my doctor? Help me please.