Welcome to the forum.
Perhaps a mood stabilizer along the AD is what you need. Many of us, including me take a med such as lamictal, to help.
ALSO, coping skills, therapy are very important to deal with depression and anxiety. Meds to not do it 100%.
We have to own our illness, treat it and respect it for the illness it is. Just like any other chronic condition.
I would like to suggest you check out the following web site. Lots of good stuff to help you get started with coping skills. Also, SELF-COMPASSION is key in relationships. My husband and I found this out the hard way. You can not love someone, unless you start to like/love yourself.
That means, challenging all the negative thought loops that play in your head.
www.mindful.orgWe also have a Resource thread at the top of this forum. I invite you to review all the pages and investigate the sites, books and info available.
Peace and strength