Hello everybody this is my first post hope I am doing this right lol.Well I am writing in hopes of some words of advice/encouragement.First off let me say I am very blessed with 2 children,4 stepchildren(hehe,yup),engaged,both work,home,2 vehicles,food of course,shelter,clothing ya know.Sounds awesome and nothing to be depressed for right?Well I am always usually positive,optimistic everything,but idk y the last few weeks boy oh boy feeling very down in the dumps and off.So depressed,sick,sad,tired you name it.Ive tried to kick the feeling and just dont go away,Id like to think maybe its just the winter Ive heard of this "winter blues" but i dont know I want to get out and do other things all I do is work,home-kids,sleep,normal boring stuff but Im afraid and too tired to do anything.It makes me really sad Ive felt like this before but usually goes away soon its at least 3 weeks now Im worried and scared I dont understand why and wish I didnt feel this way.Please if anybody can relate or help Im so lost and confused and its really hard to go on every day feeling like this I dont know what to do anymore.Im happy and not to go to work happy and not to see my kids my fiancee at the same time I just dont know.