Hi LadyBug2730,
Your post reminded me of "Drunk By Noon". a great song by The Handsome Family. There's one verse that always stood out for me:
I always thought is was such an accurate descript
ion of depression.
Lots of people experience what you do. There's a honeymoon period where ADs just work, life is great, the sun is brighter, and the world is all kumbaya-ish. Then your brain gets used to the new chemical norm, and slides back to where it was. Thankfully, as you experienced previously, we can have a new honeymoon every time we change chemicals.
The key is to do some work during your honeymoon. CBT is good. PT is good. Socializing is good. All that stuff that we hate doing when we're depressed. Face it, if we don't change the way we think about
stuff, we're eventually going to fall into the same patterns.
If I were you, I'd go on another chemically created honeymoon and thoughtfully and purposely try and set the foundation for a more fulfilling life.
And get a cat. They're awesome.
Hang in LadyBug2730
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Post Edited By Moderator (BnotAfraid) : 4/10/2016 9:34:29 AM (GMT-6)