Just wanted to thank ya'all for your prayers and thoughts and give a littel more detail as to what whent on. i am home recovering. Dr. was pleased. When he opened me up he found the 3 areas of narrowing in the same spot and only had to remove 12" of small bowell. Since one of the areas of narrowing was at the previous resection sight and so I still only have one connection site in the bowel. He also felt that one area of narrowing is left from the previous surgery since my bowel ruptured then and they were working so hard just to keep me alive. I will still be hit and miss on my forums for a while until I get me strength back. I can say that other than the pain from the recision I feel much better. Maybe this it the hump over the edge I am looking for. He wants me to stop taking the 6mp until my body starts to heal and not suppression of the immune system. Infection is still a real possibility and doesn't want to take any of my bodies defenses as I go through the healing process.
Again thanks to you all. i love each of you and my healingwell family. God bless and here is to long lasting health to each of us. HUGS AND KISSES to all. You are all very dear to me.