Just a quick update... <_<
I saw my GP yesterday. Had a good talk with her, but no, nothing which she could prescribe for nightmares other than, surprise surprise, more amitriptyline :-/ It's very hard getting any psych meds other than antidepressants in the UK though. I may have a bit more luck at my psychiatrist's appointment on June 12th.
I think Crohn's pain may be contributing to my disturbed sleep so I'm gonna look into sourcing some marijuana for medical purposes. I do have codeine (left over from what my dad has given me - think the GP has just given up with him now and gives him everything he asks for). But yeah, 30mg codeine doesn't do anything for the pain anymore, and I'm not prepared to up the dose - don't want to get addicted to opiates.
@Karen - I would try anything at this rate, so I googled dream catchers. First thing I found was this:
/www.acotisdiamonds.co.uk/thomas-sabo-ethno-dreamcatcher-pendant-pe712-646-17?gclid=CP7B4NbbnNQCFUEaGwodJqIEQQIt's certainly rather beautiful but at £540, it'll have to jog on I'm afraid. Anyway, I've found some far cheaper ones now. Do you hang it up on your wall above your pillow? I'm not sure what you're meant to do with it... :/
@Trina - I tried googling minidress but the only things which came up were short dresses. Ah well. I've actually thought about
trying to write notes about
my dreams - never been able to decide if it would help or not. It would have to be immediately after I wake up, 'cos I forget 99% of the dream after a few hours.
Some things make total sense to me, other things are just baffling. I gave one short example to my GP of somebody trying to enter my bedroom and me not being sure what their intentions were at first. (I dunno why I didn't just ask them, but obvs that thought never occurred to me in the dream world.) Anyway I got more and more scared and then tried to turn on my lamp, which wouldn't work. Woke up shortly after that, and turned on my lamp (which
did work). So yeah, I've never had anyone try to break into my bedroom or flat before, and never have done. But that's a recurring dream of sorts. I have even worse ones than that -_-. In still more dreams, "I'm" trying to avoid being captured by millions of zombies, but those type of dreams probably just come from watching too many zombie films and reading too many zombie books.
Anyway, thank you both. I'm just having lunch right now then going to go to the hospital to get a blood test.