It is difficult to to learn no languages when you do not have another person to speak with. Really, I do not care what ads say.
I was is Czecholovakia back 1991 for a week, with in 4 days, I was speaking enough of Czech to talk to farmers and gas attendants, not just people in Prague.
Today, I do not remember one word. Don't use it, you loose it.
You sound young. So this is my suggestion, Use this wonderful internet world, find some Jap and Germ friends and get on with it.
Also ask your therapist about
the following coping skills to help you learn to control your depression along with the meds.
Whole food diet site. Good Nutrition has been seen to help reduce depression is some people.
Stay away from coffee, ALL SODA AND ENERGY DRINKS, reduce sugars, try hard to eat foods with out Artificial ingredients and food color, especially, yellow, red and blue