Hi Lynnwood.
I had to change my diet for thyroid, migraine and fibroids.
I have posted the following links I started with.
www.whfoods.com/foodstoc.phpWhole food diet site. Good Nutrition has been seen to help reduce depression is some people.
www.themigrainediet.com/Migraine diet site to help control blood sugars, pain and gain healthy balance.
There are BAD carbs and GOOD carbs, research that and add your good carbs, such as carrots, beans, healthy grains such as quinoa [cooks easier that rice!]
Limit coffee to one cup a day, I drink half caffeine. I get my from Intelligent Blends on the Net because we have a Kuerig and I.B. pods are recyclable. I can't mention the price here.
NO SODA, diet soda is the worse, the fake sweetener, makes you crave more, in anything!
Bai juice, Vitamine Water. I drink 32oz or more of water a day to stay hydrated. Our meds and depression suck out moisture. Staying hydrated, lessons: pain, depression, headpain, arthritis, keeps us regular, wash out the kidneys and liver. Important on meds.
Last thing, NO artificial ingredients and/or flavors, no PROCESSED food. Such as "processed cheese product". This is NOT cheese. NO food coloring Yellow, Red, Blue. They are know to cause ADHA, insomnia, and may be linked to anxiety.
If you ad fish to you diet, be careful of the "bottom feeder" and where you purchase them. I buy frozen filets most times, because we do not have a fish market and the food store fish always looks old, the flesh breaking down.
I hope this helps you, weaning off things are very hard. So thing time of year, eat cherries instead of more sugar. Put fresh fruit in the water you drink with ice. Have some fun, experiment.
Roast veggies in the oven or on grill for sandwiches on low carb bread, Rye bread has no carbs.
I roast, Fennell, mushrooms, baby carrots, onions, grape tomatoes, broccoli, Brussel sprouts.
Enough for know, I could go on for ever. Email if you have any questions. Hubby is a chef.
Peace and hugs
Halo Ice cream is Good