BnotAfraid said...
I feel for you honestly. I wish the meds did all the work.
However they do not. Perhaps for the odd person, but for most we have to use coping skills along with the meds.
Here is a link to a great site with all kinds of helpful stuff to practice and do in your life to make living with depression easier.
A friend of mine says. "I have drepression, I don't let depression have me!"
Peace and strength
I think one of my problems is I don't really know what to expect. How good should I be feeling. I feel like a couple of months ago I was at a place where the pain was at a level that I could ignore it when I was doing tasks. But I was still quite unhappy. When I took my mind off things and did something I felt a boost to my mood, but if I ever sat quietly somewhere for maybe half an hour or an hour, my mood would just drop, I would feel like there was no point in living, and I would get quite stressed being in pain.
Is that the best I can expect? My old therapist always said that when you sit quietly and notice how you feel, that is how you really feel, not when you're busy distracting yourself.
I know that it's normal to have bad periods, but I just feel like I should be able to sit and think at least some of the time without my mood spiraling downwards, but maybe that is just normal for chronic pain sufferers. I don't know.