I would like to inform everybody about
my situation and hopefully it will help someone who is suffering from chonic depression.Six years ago I was diagnosed with chonic depression and started on an anti-d..Some worked for a short time and some did nothing for me so I went through 18 different anti depressant meds in six years.
I was treated by my G.P. (glorified plumber ) and by two psychiatrists.and every time they would change my meds or add on another med .Never did they question their diagnostic.All this time I searched and searched mental illness blogues,books,journals,etc.Eventually, I went to the Mayo clinic site , did a couple of tests and found out that I was bipolar 11 .
The meds that all these good MD s were giving me were making me worse.I then found a private clinic and after passing some tests and many questions , they confirmed that I was bipolar 11. The doctor changed my medication.In just one week after going on Lamictal (mood stabilizer ) I started to feel better (the rest is history)
We all think that Doctors are gods and can do no wrong but three doctors made the same mistake and I suffered for 6 years .The doctor who confirmed that I was bipolar and started my on a mood stabilizer told me that this happens quite often because we go to see our doctor when we feel depressed so, they medicate you for depression.
Bipolar people have highs and lows.We do not go to see a doc.when we our in a high and feel good.I just finished reading an article in the AARP journal about
a man who went though the same thing as I did, but for FOURTY THREE years.I always thought that bipolar people ,( when they are in the high (mania ) )would go out and spend money like fools,gamble,have sex with just about
That is not always the case and there different types of bipolar.If your situation is like mine , maybe you are really suffering from depression and difficult to medicate or maybe ,you have the wrong diagnostic and suffering from another mental illness.Some doctors are very good but all humans make mistakes .. Take care.
Post Edited By Moderator (BnotAfraid) : 5/2/2019 8:04:52 AM (GMT-6)