Try hold ice until it hurts. the do deep cleansing breaths
Deep breath arms should height
then let breath out with a noisy exhale and drop arms.
This is a version of the divers response, should help for a while at the very least.
You are not alone! We all go through the sneak attack of depression, feeling good and bang, where did this come from? However, it always passes. I know it is dark and oppressive now, this is what skills are for. To get us through the dark times. You are strong then you know, we all are.k
Have you called your doc or therapist? Are you on medication?
Here is a link that may help you. Not sure what your dx is so I search for severe depression skills. This forum also has a resource thread at the top of the threads. 6 pages of good information.
https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/managing-major-depressive-disorder/tips-for-coping-with-unexpected-episodesI hope this helps.
Peace and strength