Posted 1/6/2020 3:23 AM (GMT 0)
Pitmom, I didn't find any crack pipes but I did find a plastic shoebox full of marijuana. Since recreational marijuana has been legal here since 2011 my husband must have hid it there a long time ago. I knew he smoked pot, so no big surprise. Otherwise, just a few old shoes, one earring I lost a long time ago and multiple dust bunnies.
My mother in law put a bunch of veggies into a frying pan to simmer so she could puree it and then fell asleep. I came up from the basement and smelled it burning, not enough to set off the smoke alarm, fortunately. Thank goodness I was here. She is going move down to my husband's farm in a month or two, where he has built an apartment for her, so he will be there every day. This past 9 months of being her sole caretaker, on top of everything else I am responsible for, has really taken a toll on me and made me stressed and depressed most of the time. I wouldn't mind it quite so much if I had actually agreed to do it , but she was basically dumped on me. She has lived with us since day one of our marriage and I am done.
Back to work tomorrow. Have a good evening/morning everyone