Hello all,
Not really new here just a new name. Been okay. Short catch up. Depression and anxiety have been up due to my nasal spur, oh yea I have a bone spur in my nose now. It is keeping an infection stuck in my sinuses, ugh so I am always dizzy and my nose bleeds super easy. So I have been on several rounds of antibiotics, I have had a CT scan and now I am waiting to see the ENT in OCT. I have been waiting since March. 2020 was actually not too bad for me. Anxiety was low, I was not anxious about
covid, we had it in my house. We got our shots, my son cannot have it, due to heart issues with the shots. I think that is it. Hope all are at peace.
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Post Edited By Moderator (BnotAfraid) : 8/19/2021 6:38:27 AM (GMT-6)