I'm so glad to read your comment, I didn't get a good feel for this at all. In addition to what you said, it's also for Borderline Personality Disorder, and I'm severely depressed, is that the same thing?? We're in "groups" all day, but they are in lesson form, like a lecture fully of buzz words, but yet they don't tell you anything up front about this, and expect you to pick up the lingo by osmosis, maybe?
All I know is I don't feel on iota better going to this place for 2 full days now. I feel way more anxious and stressed, which is not what I was looking for at all. There is no individual therapy here at all either, so I don't get how they can help individuals.
But, all this said, I get the idea I'm the ONLY one there, the only "patient", if that's what we are, that doesn't "get it". Both days now, I'm told, "it will make sense", but not when.
I read the web-site and it's some new made-up stuff, which surprised me that Blue Cross Blue Shield approved this. Maybe Boston is a "trendy" place and that's why they have this crappy program here.