I just had my hearing in daytona beach hotel for depresstion and axt. First, the hearing officer was so nice, he his human and he must interpet ss rules. My lawyer met with me early and told me that ss expects me to work even I must take the bus to orlando florida and that just the rule. I also learned that being 41 is very young to them, which also hurt me.
The hearing officer had a shrink their that gave his thoughts and a voc expert who gave his two cents. The two experts speak without the claimet in the room, so that they can speak openly and then the lawyer told me what they said.
The outcome is that, the officer, gave me one year of back pay and I must sign up for voc services, and then if i can't find work then I must reapply. It sound strange to me, that I get one years back pay and no future benefits in exchange for a job search.
However, when I reapply, it will be on record that I did what the hearing officer requested and in fact I am disabilted. Good luck to all and don't give up.. Promise yourself to keep going because they will say yes one day..