Thank you to everyone who responded. It's great to know that there are people out there who take the time to listen and offer their understanding. I guess that is really what I'm in need of right now.
I picked up a book that Brownleaf had recommended a while back and started reading it again last night. In it, there is a story that really made sense to me. It's about a man who does not find happiness until he recognizes the "Other" in his life. The "Other" is how he is suppose to act, how he is suppose to make lots of money. Once, he recognizes that he doesn't have to do what the "Other" tells him to be, he can truly be happy and actually makes a ton of money! :) It was a very simply told story that captured part of what I'm going through. So, thank you Browleaf for that little gem.
And thank you Els, I do think about you often and I hope that you are doing well. :) (I'm at a public library using one of their computers, so I don't have much time.) Hopefully, once I finally purchase a new computer I'll be able to reconnect and be able to participate more. In the meantime, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. It seems the more I get to know you the more we have in common. Please take care of yourself and I hope to here from you soon! :)
Lastly, I think the main reason why I haven't been myself lately is because I went home to visit my family and it seems like whenever I go home a lot of unresolved issues come out of nowhere and I end up crying all the way home. I can't seem to figure out an effective way to deal with stuff when I'm there and I get so overwhelmed and seem to revert back to this crazed person who can't seem to control herself and just wants to blurt out mean and hurtful things to those around her. I guess you could say I have a lot of pent up frustrations, eh?