Honey's post on how busy she is inspired me and then atedogs was talking about
shaving and made me laugh. What are the seemingly normal little things that get difficult when life gets to big?
For me it is getting my hair cut. I don't know why but making the time to go get my hair cut seems to be a herculian task. I don't like spending the money (yeah right, as if I'm not worth it?) It wouldn't be so bad but I hate hair in my face and hair on the back of my neck when it gets hot. I get grumpy and impatient when my hair is out of whack. Once, it had been about 6 months since I got my hair cut. After weeks of hot weather one day my husband picked me up after work and drove me to Gene Juarez. When he pulled over he lovingly took my hand, looked me adoringly in the eyes and said, "I love you more than life itself but if you don't get your hair cut I'm going to kill either you or me. For the sake of our marriage and the fact that you don't look good in horizontal stripes and I'm no longer good looking enough to be anyone's *****, please go and have a good time" I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face.