Hi dindin, Welcome to healing well forum, we are happy to have you. I read your post then tried to think back to when I was 14 and what it was like for me and I am embarrassed to say that I don’t recall much. We didn’t have a computer as only the people who were super rich had them, we did have a Nintendo though and that back then was pretty major. Kind of lame huh? Anyway, I do remember the anxiety of having to start school again after summer vacation each year and worrying if my new outfits and hair styles were going to pass muster with everyone else. Then going in and trying to be self confident even though that was the last thing I was feeling.
It sounds as if you live in a rural area perhaps? Does your school offer extracurricular activities that you could be interested in? This is a good way to make new friends and have after school activities...plus perhaps your parents wouldn’t mind so much transporting you to them. I know it is difficult but you may have to make an effort to get interested in something other then sitting on the computer.
I am sure some of our other members will have some additional advice/suggestions for you. In the mean time you are always welcome to visit us here and post anytime you like. Take care...and good luck