Hello Rianna, and thank you for your reply! Can you tell me what Serotonin Syndrome is? I will certainly do as you say and ask about
adding WEllbutrin.
I felt as if Effexor had saved my life, it made such a huge difference in my wellbeing and the way I related to people and life in general. I have almost no motivation now, I cry alot.
I am also doing nearly everything you suggested..I walk nearly an hour per day, I eat salmon and tuna, and I take B complex and Omega 3 fish oil capsules. I am outside as much as I can even though it is hot here still.(ca)
I really appreciate all your suggestions! I am contacting the doctor on Monday.
I am happy to hear that your friend has been on Wellbutrin that long as I know I will need something for a long time. I have been through psychiatrists and meds for years now until hitting upon Effexor.