I was on the 50mg for a month and then the 100mg just about
a week or two. I keep hoping the extra Calcuim will help. He also told me if the Calcium doesn't work, to try Mag-Oxide. I just hate taking pills. I take 2 pills every morning, 1 (multivitamin) with lunch, and 2 at night, the zoloft and calcium. I hate to add another pill. It was my PCP that prescribed it. It has been working...I'm not nearly as depressed or emotional about
everything anymore. My boyfriend is a great help too, he encourages me to talk to him about
everything, even if its about
him he will not get defensive about
I told my boyfriend that as long as he is there for me, I am doing good. I told him that I get my frustrations and issues out while I'm cooking...I'm not sure how...but once dinner is cooking, I instantly start feeling better. Is that weird?!
I know I should see an actual professional about this, but I have so much going on that I don't know where I would fit another doctors appt in. I am supposed to go back to my PCP in about 4 months and he wants to slowly take me off the Zoloft...and see how I do. So I am hoping that I can get off it without any problems.
Thanks for the advice!