Hi Sherry, Your in the right forum
glad to see you over here. I dont have SAD but many people who post here do and it is very much a depression disorder. I would certianly go and have it checked and properly diagnosed as you mentioned. I worked in mental health for many years and know that psychiatrists do prescribe antidepressants for SAD. It all depends upon the person and what they want to do but you can take an antid all year long, esp. since you already know that this is an ongoing problem for you each season. This is will save you from having to stop and restart medications if that is the route your wanting to take. There are many others who do the sunlamp thing and swear by them...but you have to be sure to stay on a schedule with a sunlamp I think?
I hope that you do get some responses from some members here that suffer with SAD soon. Please do keep us updated. Take care