Hi Chad..Tell me something, why would you hide yourself away when you obviously have so much to offer..your sense of humour for a start, your sense of giving, and your understanding of things even at the age of 16.
You have your whole life ahead of you..gosh I am in my forties and have left many a rock unturned I am sure lol.
What do you want to do with your life?
Do you have some sort of direction planned for a career?
Are you still at school?
Do you think that counselling/therapy could help you get thru this rough patch Chad? I think it would be great coz it seems to me that you have lost your way in life..having been there too I found it really worked for me :)) Have you been to the doc. and told how you are feeling these days..if not this could be a plan too..
Looking forward to hearing more about you.