I just found this forum and, after reading some of the posts, have no doubt that there may be a place for me here.
However, I don't even know what to say, where to start. Suffice to say that I'm suffering from depression/anxiety since the birth of my son (4 years ago - enough already!!)
Particularily since last spring though, everything has completely fallen apart. It was like a horrible chain of events, one thing leading to another. I won't go into all of it, but to be brief, I lost a great job, am very close to losing my car due to money problems. I accidentally od'ed, ended up in the emergency room, and could have potentially lost my son had it not been for family taking care of him while I was in hospital.
I no longer drink or use Ativan for panic attacks, so that's one good thing (cause of OD). But honestly, I'm just getting by day by day. I'm struggling.
In answer to potential questions, I will tell you all that I have started anti-depressant/ counselling therapy & I go to an addictions support group, so I am working on getting better. But so much crap has happened in the past year, I feel so ashamed of myself. I feel like if I had the money to do it, I'd pack up and leave the town that I live in so I could start fresh. No one would have to know how badly I've screwed up my life.
Sorry so long.