Els it just makes me so mad to hear this that your abuser got away with out serving any time in prison that they always seem to get away .I bet your judge was a male too .
I often think about haveing charges made about my brother but the way the system works the only one who would be hurt is me yet again ,having to go through all that happened out in the open there is no point he would get off as so many who abuse kids today .My brother was bought up on charges years ago for molesting a ten year old girl in my heart i knew he did it from what he did to us but he got off and now that and god knows how many others he has done the same to .I`m ashamed to even think he is my brother and what would he of done to his own three girls .I just don`t want to be around any of this any more .
katelyn as i was growing up i had no idea what was happing to my sisters i was fifteen when i left home and it was on an occassion that i returned for a weekend that i walked in on my brother raping my youngest sister i think that that wasa shock for him as the other three of us ganged up he didn`t touch any one for ages well i never heard that he did not until about twenty years later when one night i was visiting my sister and we were drinking quite heavily and thats when we started talking about it he raped her when she was eighteen but all my parents did was trow him out of the house nothing else was done but then my parents were always drunk so it`s amazing that they were even sober long enough to do that .
I got my sister into councilling as best i could but to this day she still hides behind a bottle all the pain of our past and the last time i visited her it was so sad to see she was drunk each night i feel for her two boys that they see her like this as thats how i remember my parents .
My other sisters well the youngest one told me even our oldest brother raped her but she denys the middle brother raping her and cant remember the day we walked in on them but i suoopes like me a lot has been blocked from her memory but the two youngest havent recieved any help they just tell me they only want to forget about it. But i can see they desperately need help both of them have failed marriages one of them several and the children form my youngest sister are all a mess they have no life living like they do .I have tried to help but katie just becomes very agressive so i leave her alone to do her own thing .
To this day i still think my mother went through the same thing because denying it and covering up what happened to us she was ashamed and one of my abusers was her brother .once they do someting like this to a child they continue for the rest of their lives they should all be locked up the first time and never be let out .