Hi scotsgal, I am in agreement with Shy here. Since your in Scotland I dont know how the mental health system works but here in the US a counselor is not qualified to give a diagnosis to someone, that is for a psychiatrist to do. Counselors are by educational wise only able to do one on one talk thearpy....they can however, give their impressions of what they see from the patient but it is not attached to a diagnosis as they are not physicians and qualified in this area....at least this is how it goes here in the US.
If your still having so many concerns about your counselor then I would change ASAP. You need to have someone you can talk to and be honest with and open to, that you feel comfortable with. It doesnt seem that you have this connection with your current one now. Also, you may want to see about a psychiatrist as these doctors are most knowledgeable on these type of things and they can prescribe you medication if you feel that you need it. Print out your surveys if you can and take them with you. Your being proactive regarding your health and that is good. Hang in there...and let us know how it goes. My thoughts are with you dear