I'm feeling a bit better now mood wise but I still feel very weird :S If I think about how I would feel in a certain situation my body and mind seem to go all blurry-if that makes sense! Also in certain situations I have not been myself, for instance my dog died last week and I cried at the time but the next day it was like it had never happened!
I lost my other dog back in Oct and i cried for days after it!
My depression was really bad back in the last few months I couldn't concentrate I cried all the time, I didn't want to do anything I just wanted to be alone. My meds have been upped and I must admit they've worked a bit on this as the only thing I feel is teary, but now I feel like I don't have a mood atall. good or bad!
I also apparently suffer anxiety but don't have 'attacks' so I don't know how I do?! But the last 5 days I havn't been able to breath properly i've had to take a huge breath to breathe in and a hugensighnto breathe out properly I don't know why this is!
I also seem to have this weird feeling towards my bf its like whenever I think about him/the future and blah I get this tight, short of breath feeling around my heart like someones smothering it.
I hate feeling like this towards him as on the other hand I can still act fiarly normal with him, and I like cuddling him etc but that feeling gets in the road. I don't have this feeling towards anyone else and he hasn't done anything but I do get a similar feeling when something bad has or is going to happen or I get a frigt which I seem to be getting from really silly things.
Seeing as there is only these few things wrong with me now, have I never hd depression and I've made all this up. I just don't understand why this happened to me in the first place I had a great life!