Thank you guys for your inspiration! EVERYONE!!!!!! I made myself a promise first and foremost and then someone very special in my life. I owe it to my future without promise and positive outlooks, I have nothing. I am still along way from being out of the woods but I have an added inspirational push.
Someone stated that in a post that sometimes you think that you are one of a million people in this world but you may not realize that you are the only person that someone needs, LOL sorry I think i butchered that but I think im in the ballpark, how true that statement is!!!!
From several days until the end of my days, I have new choices and unchartered roads that will be placed in front of without a roadmap. I know that my journey will take me to places where I will look for sunshine, the difference is that I know that sun shines only as bright as I allow it too. Instead of pulling the blinds down and going about it in the dark, it is time in my life to go towards the sun no matter how hot and thirsty i get, I have to remember that I can get there.
I have a new lease on my life right now and I plan on trying my best to achieve all my hopes and dreams that I so deserve as well as the people in my life that mean the most to me.
I consider my life right now like a child that has not learned to walk. My knees are bleeding from crawling because that is all I would attempt to do. Now I am trying to pull myself with the help of those I TRUST and taking steps that I have been trying to take. Yes, I know that I am going to trip and maybe fall down but once i fall it is what i do at that time that determines if my knees stay raw because I give up or if I get right back up with or without a sore butt, at that very moment is where my decision to grow and learn will be seen. I know once I get those steps down that I know i am capable of, IT IS NONSTOP FAITH FOR ME AND THOSE THAT HELD MY HAND AND HEART WHILE LETTING ME GROW!!!!!