Welcome Filmgirl~
First let me say that I have had depression for over 20 years and I fight it every day. One of the first things you must learn when dealing with depression is that there is no quick fix. Sad but true, however, I will tell you that there are cases when someone is diagnosed with depression and it is not chronic but situational and is not considered clinical depression, recovery is not as difficult. I guess it just basically depends on the extent of your depression.
In my depression, mine was diagnosed initally as post-partem depression. However later while in therapy for years we found that although it was brought on by the birth of my first child, things in my childhood had predesposed me for the illness as well as my genetic makeup. So I guess what I am saying is that depression is extremely complex. You may think that if you have tons of money or live a life in which you could never possibly need anything else in your life, with chronic depression, everything is NOTHING!!!! I know, I had everything that I always dreamed I wanted as a little girl. I had no reason at all to have a bad day except the basic run in the hose or a flat tire but every day was a struggle even with every thing that I had. Now, I am struggling to regain the everything in my life that I worked 42 years for only to have depression take it.
You may in therapy for years, undergo invasive treatments and be hospitalized several times and be 20 years older than you were when you first were diagnosed and still realize you are fighting depression.
I have always said that I would rather have any illness in the world rather than depression. I HATE WONDERING IF TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE A DAY WHERE I DONT WANT TO GET OUT OF BAD OR A DAY WHERE IT IS OK AND THE DAY IS UNEVENTFUL! There are hardly any "great" days. I can count on my two hands the days where I was so happy that I couldnt imagine living any other days unless they were like that. Well needless to say, I still have depression and tomorrow is another day to have faith.
Good luck to you.