I was curious; coming out of a depressive episode, would one remember and be able to differentiate between the false feelings of indifference to another being or thing? To further explain my question, a person experienceing an episode may feel they do not love/care for their spouse/loved one anymore because the depression pretty much kills that emotion off when the episode comes on. After the episode subsides and the person is once again balanced, would they be able to remember how they felt and know it was a direct result of their depression and try and rectify any problems caused because of it or would one just let it go and move on assuming the bridge has totally been burnt?
I ask this because there are a few of us on this board that have spouses/partners going through a terrible bout of depression. The depression has convinced our partners that they do not love/care as deeply for us as they did prior to the on-set of the depression. When the depression lifts, will they recognize their true feelings that they did in fact love us/care for us as before?
Because of depression, many relationships, both platonic and romantic, have seen their own demise. I have heard many stories but cannot understand why most have not been reconciled. If someone(BP, MD) has a partner that truly loves them and would not want to end the relationship as well as try to understand the wrath of depression, why would the ties be severed permanently instead of temporarily?
I am trying to understand this and, ironically, put some kind of logic to it.
Thank you so much for listening to me and look forward to hearing back from all of you