I normally post on another forum (Crohns) so know how helpful everyone can be. I'm hoping someone can give us some advice. I may not have all of the correct vocabulary for diabetes - forgive my errors, please!
My dear friend has a 14 year old daughter with very fragile diabetes. Her blood sugar often elevates to close to 1000 - surprisingly, she remains otherwise generally healthy, although has recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis as well. The specialists (endos?) have been unable to find out why they simply cannot control her insulin levels. She is currently being kept in a picu to record "clinical data" so if they can find a long term care facility that specializes in juveniles with such a fragile status, they will have data to send them. This brings me to my question:
Other than the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, does anyone know of a long term care facility that specializes in juveniles with such sever issues with their diabetes? The doctors are suggesting that my friend's daughter be sent to one of these facilities for a month or two to see if they can find a way to regulate her. FYI, she has already been on an insulin pump - even that cannot keep her regulated, sad to say... now Mom just wants to find someone who will admit they just don't know what else to do or has some other suggestions -
I'll check back later for responses....
Thank you all so very much -