Boy that was a great doctor's appointment. My brother's are both diabete, about
a year or so for both, they are in their late 40's and early 50's so I figured I'd have a little more time to get ready (if you can ever get ready) to get it. My Mom doesn't have it and neither did my Dad, But one of my nephews does, so I knew it was coming. Just a feeling, but being told I do, sort of took my breathe away. I guess it's not too bad, he wants me to check my blood once a day in the morning and take a pill (just another to the hand full I aready take) I also have cronic pain from a ruputered disc that was "fixed" in 2007, and after reading some of the paperwork he gave me I see that an illness or pain can bring it on also. So now I need to figure out what I can eat and can't. I know bread, pasta, taters, and things like that are no no's, but I have a thing for pickles dill, and green plums. The sour-er the better in my book. I want my lips to pucker so bad you'd think my face was inside out LOL.... Does anyone know of a book or website I can go to that will give me a list maybe of what I can and can not eat and drink... I know no more Cokes which is a bummer cause I love my Cokes.
Thanks in advance for any help,