Thanks for replying guys, Lanie ... the PAD Testing. Do you really want to know how I got involved with that? Ok, I have high arches and power walk every day. I begin to get a tingling type sensation in my heels and toes after a couple of miles. My brother says that I probably need to see a hoof doctor and get some shoe inserts for the high arches. I go see the hoof doctor and everything went downhill fast from there. The hoof doctor tells me that in all proability I have neurathpy because I am a diabetic and just don't know it (hence the A1C test came in to play). He sends me for something called an NST test to check for that in which I pass with flying colors. So, then he tells me after taking x-rays of my feet that my arches are not only high but abnormal. So abnormal that these arches are only found in people with Spinal Bifidia and he tells me that I have something called Spinal Bifidia Occulta and I just don't know it and that I need to see a neurologist immediately. And he tells me that he doesn't feel like the pulses in my ankles are strong and I probably have peripheral artery disease and just don't know it. So, I need to be tested for it. They put pressure cuffs on your arms, thighs, calves ankles and toes and measure the pressure. For some bizarre reason my toe cuff kept flopping off and the technician and to keep putting it back on. End result was the test read that I had good pressure up to my ankles and then all pressure stopped at my toes. So, now he tells me that I immediately need to see a cardiologist. So, I see the cardiologist yesterday who tells me that he doesn't think that I have it and I am not even a good screening candidate for it. He is sending me in for a specialized test they give at the hospital which can more accurately access the blood flow to the toes. He gave me an EKG which came back as normal and I still have to go for an echocardiogram tomorrow he said just to be on the safe side of life. Now I have not made an appointment to see an neurologist and tell him that I have Spinal Bifidia. This cardiologist was giving me an impression that he thought that I was kinda nutty for even going along with a PAD diagnosis. If that's a fact than if I go into a neurologist and tell him I have Spinal Bifida he may have me sent off to a funny farm. So, that is the whole story. And to put the frosting on this cup cake my feet no longer tingle after the 2nd mile. My mother thought all doctors were quacks. Never went to see one and eventually high blood pressure that was undiagnosed killed her kidneys which put her on dialysis for 12 years. However, she lived to be 80. The stress from this whole PAD thing and diabetes thing and Spinal Bifida thing has taken about a good 10 years off of my life and in the end if may all amount to nothing but a doctor that was a quack. Now, at the age of 48 I can understand why my mom thought the way she did and stayed cleared of the docs. And, I doubt if I will make anywhere near the age of 80 ....