Hi ... remember me?
Haven't been around for while due to some stressful, family-related events.
Anyway, a few weeks ago, I was driving across town ... came to an intersection and while I was waiting for the light to change, I forgot how to drive! I concentrated very hard, remembered what to do next, managed to get off the road and pulled into a fast food joint parking lot. Still a little disoriented, I decided to buy a slice of pizza. Ate that and about
10 minutes later felt completely normal again. This occurred between breakfast and lunch -- I hadn't eaten or snacked for about
4 hours. I usually snack on something every 2 hours but in the past if that routine got disrupted, nothing unusual would happen.
I've had a couple of similar episodes, luckily at home and close to my meter. During these times when I felt
not quite right, I took a reading. Both times I was at 4.2 (75) and a little snack fixed me up.
Coincidentally, my weight has been yo-yo-ing up & down about
5 pounds a week.
A diabetic friend told me he reported similar events to his doctor who replied that because he (my friend ... not the doctor) has his weight under control and has been living a healthier lifestyle, his body has become more efficient at using what little insulin he produces and therefore needs more fuel (food) to process.
Combining this with the unusual amount of personal stress I've been experiencing would tend to explain my situation I think.
Of course, I will run all this by my doctor at our next meeting and see what he thinks but what about
you guys ... ever experience anything like this?