cookie. I'm am stunned after reading your post, that the doctor never suggested any kind of treatment after all those high blood sugar results. And it wasn't until the year 2000 that you started any sort of diabetes meds? So for about
40 years you've been living with uncontrolled blood sugar? That doctor was incompetent. I'm speechless. Almost.
Only the c-peptide test will say if you are still producing insulin or not. In the meantime, your blood sugar is all over the place, just as you said. And your doctor doesn't know to check your feet? Get another doctor for Pete's sakes.
I see a family physician and even in her examining room is a poster that says to take your shoes and socks off so the doctor can look at your feet!
My humble opinion (and I'm not a doctor) is: get another doctor. Your meds need to be re-evaluated. Your blood sugar is not being controlled. You may have nerve damage. You have a family history of diabetes. See an endocrinologist if you can. This is an expert in the field - which you might need at this point to figure all this out.
What are you eating?