This is mostly a response to beachlife but first:
MELLITUS vs. INSIPIDUS: Sorry DM's for hogging your post. DI is relatively uncommon. So stupid to not always refer to it as "Diabetes Mellitus" when us DI's are stuck with the word "diabetes" in our name. Doctor forms, life insurance forms, driver license forms all use the word "Diabetes". Now I know they mean DM but I'm not going to skip checking the box on an insurance form and give them the opportunity to deny my claim when I die. We have to live with this all the time. Even nurses think you mean DM when you say DI. It's a bit of a pain that could stop if they only used the word "Mellitus". Take this chat for eample.
If you think you have DI you should consult with an endocronologist. DI is usually treated via a nasal spray called DDAVP (desmopression acetate). Generic products are available. Not all cases are the same - root causes being different. But basically you don't make a natural hormone (or your body doesn't use it correctly). My DI was caused by a brain tumor that damaged my hypothalmus which makes the hormone (or triggers release of hormone - semantics). Pituitary damage could affect it also. I've had it for 30 years so FYI here's what I know:
Thirst (without medicine): depending on if/how much the hormone works you would have various levels. I make none. Basically my body can not retain fluids so after it dumps everything in my body, plus fluids it pulls from who knows where in my body, I drink. (My body gets thirsty to encourage me to replace these fluids.) Full blown you'd be drinking every 15 minutes if not constantly. When mine was severe but not full blown I couldn't go more than 30 minutes without water and then could drink 12 oz in one giant gulp. Pause for 5 seconds and repeat 3-4 times. Go to the bathroom - then I'd be okay for 30 minutes. People like to tell you to stop drinking so much and then you wouldn't pee so much. Doesn't work that way. Some argue chicken vs egg but basically the body loses fluids THEN needs to refill. We are lucky we have the natural thirst response because if it wasn't working we wouldn't know we were dehydrated.
Urine: Specific gravity is zero without meds. Urine is clear ~ it's probably not even classified as urine.
Side symptoms: Low sodium cause your body pushes it out. Diarrhea cause you are flooding your body with water. Less appetite cause water gives false fullness affect.
If you had full blown you'd be in the hospital because you can't keep up the pee-drink, pee-drink routine forever.
Solution: From my untrained brain. Taking the DDAVP would work if the DI is caused by no hormone. I don't believe it's gonna be harmful to try. It comes in injection form, weird tublar blow thru mouth to nose form, pills and nasal spray. The injection and tublar blow method is used if your dosage won't work with the 10 micrograms increments automatically put out by the nasal spray. I take one spray in each nostril every 12 hours. It's an itz more than the dosage I was on before they made the nasal spray but so much easier.
Doctor: Again, endocronolgist. They deal with the ENDOCRINE glands - hypothalmus, pituitary. They'd be best to diagnose DI.
Life with DI: Same as everybody else once you figure out your dosage. No side affects when you are good about taking your DDAVP. Long term affects - none.