Welcome worrywart87! You're in the right place talking about
blood sugar. I don't know about
adrenal fatigue so I can't answer questions about
that unfortunately.
First off, here is something from the Mayo Clinic's website that might have some information for you:
www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/expert-answers/reactive-hypoglycemia/faq-20057778Basically, the goal in keeping your blood sugar level is to eat on a regular basis, and a snack in between, and not overload on any one food group. Many people's blood sugar has a spike and fall reaction when a lot of carbohydrates are eaten especially. Although it may be normal for blood sugar to spike after a very high carb meal, the blood sugar usually will go down to normal but not
too low. For some reason, this process doesn't work this way in some people and the blood sugar will drop and there may be feelings of dizziness even though it's not a true hypoglycemic episode.
I 'think' those symptoms could make you feel anxious or panicky and feeling like this will complicate the real issue. So, again, eat some protein, some vegetables and greens, some berries (not high sugar fruit), nuts, eggs and some dairy. Snacks could be cheese, peanut butter, nuts, dark chocolate.
This website has more information about
blood sugar in general and you search 'reactive hypoglycemia' in the little box on the right for specific information about
www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/index.phpIf you have a history of pancreatitis, then you do need to be careful about
what you're eating or drinking: no steady diet of high carbs like potatoes, bread (flour products), sugar, rice. I believe alcohol also aggravates that condition just like a lot of meat might.
How are you feeling today?