I would also suggest getting Dr. Bernstein's book
Diabetes Solution. He is a type 1 and is now in his 70's. Of course type 1s and type 2s are not the same but we do react the same to carbs in food. He suggests a very very strict low carb way of eating. I don't restrict myself as low as he does for carbs a day but I am still doing very well. I am on metformin.
Keeping a journal will tell you what food and drink are causing blood sugar to rise and - or course - it's all about
the amount of carbs. There's no getting around that.
I test on my eight finger tips and on the sides of the tips, not my thumbs because I just don't
, and I always use a different finger, other hand. I don't test everyday now unless I'm going to eat something totally new but years ago when I was just learning about
all this, I would sometimes test all day long. I was a serial tester and I make no apologies about
that because I had to know what made my blood sugar rise and what didn't.
So, I let the test results be my guide. If you read the studies in the link in my signature, you'll learn about
what happens when we live with high blood sugar over a period of time.
Good Luck!