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Can eating sweets cause the diabetes condition though.
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Regular Member
Joined : Jun 2015
Posts : 295
Posted 7/10/2021 11:54 AM (GMT 0)
I like to eat sweets cuz of my anxiety medication though. I have some anxiety that would cause the diabetes condition. Does anyone know if eating sweets can cause the diabetes condition though. Any advice would be nice. Thanks.
Lanie G
Forum Moderator
Joined : Nov 2006
Posts : 7019
Posted 7/10/2021 3:06 PM (GMT 0)
Welcome to the Diabetes Forum, asiangal. A short answer is probably not, but read on for more information.
If there are other family members with diabetes type 2, a person may have a genetic leaning toward diabetes as well which is why blood sugar testing should be part of annual physicals for everyone. If there are observations that the fasting blood sugar is elevated or rises year by year, that person needs to aware of what they are eating that is contributing to the higher blood sugar.
Now, everyone's blood sugar rises and falls throughout the day depending on activity and food eaten AND if that person has a predisposition to high blood sugar/insulin resistance which is a precursor to diabetes, then that person needs to be under the guidance of a doctor and have his/her blood sugar monitored more often.
Can you make yourself diabetic by eating too many sweets? Well, again, it depends on the individual. Eating nothing but carbohydrates (sweets, anything made with sugar and flour, potatoes, rice, breads) can make the pancreas work overtime. It's possible that over the years after a very carb-filled diet that the pancreas doesn't work as efficiently as before and so that person develops problems with high blood sugar, possibly diabetes, but this is extreme.
High blood sugar in anyone can cause a variety of other health problems so this is why it's best to have a balanced diet and not overload on sweets.
My advice is to have your blood sugar tested when you see your doctor and talk about
this with him/her. Good luck!
Sometimes i am me (HT)...
Elite Member
Joined : Mar 2009
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Posted 7/11/2021 3:33 AM (GMT 0)
Agree with Lanie.
More to do with processed, starches, carb, and processed, much in the white, i call it - if it white it aint right.
Starch breaks down into sugar, and this smashes your bsl as this is the acumalation of fat stored in our body, as a continual production line. HT
Like Lanie says, too much sugar can have it's consequences as well.
Lanie G
Forum Moderator
Joined : Nov 2006
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Posted 7/12/2021 1:18 AM (GMT 0)
Hi Turtle! Glad to see you! I hope you're doing well!
Sometimes i am me (HT)...
Elite Member
Joined : Mar 2009
Posts : 22619
Posted 7/12/2021 6:28 AM (GMT 0)
Still around, but not as much. Ramping up on a lot of things.
You certainly been around here awhile, and i been a bit too.
I am cycling with the pedal assist bike, and doing my wall press ups, and eating better. Good boy. Swim centre back
open from repairs, did walking laps, spa and sauna this morning, happy days.
Hoping you are doing well.
Lanie G
Forum Moderator
Joined : Nov 2006
Posts : 7019
Posted 7/12/2021 12:37 PM (GMT 0)
Turtle, you are an inspiration! I hope you continue on the yellow brick road!
Regular Member
Joined : Jun 2015
Posts : 295
Posted 7/12/2021 3:00 PM (GMT 0)
Thanks. I think I will try eat less sugar ya. Can I eat before doing the blood sugar test though. Any advice would be nice. Thanks.
Lanie G
Forum Moderator
Joined : Nov 2006
Posts : 7019
Posted 7/12/2021 4:04 PM (GMT 0)
Hello again. Testing blood sugar can be random (any time) or if you are keeping a record then it would be best to take it just before eating and then about
2 hours after you start eating. This will give you an idea how you metabolize your meal.
If you have other people in your family who are diabetics then you should mention this to your doctor. And your doctor should include glucose readings in your regular lab tests. I think you should talk your concerns about
this with your doctor. At the same time, if you do have diabetes in your family then it would be a good idea not to rely on sweets to lessen your anxiety. If you are being treated for anxiety, you might also want to get involved with some regular walking outside, breathing fresh air if you're not already doing this.
Good luck. I'm glad you posted!
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