Welcome to the Diabetes Forum, tdnjam. I understand what you're saying and the best I can do is give you my thoughts because I'm not a doctor (you already know that).
First the serious news:
High blood sugar, even elevated blood sugar averaging over 145, can damage the heart, kidneys, eyes, nerve system and other things in the body. Check out the hot link in my signature for more information. So, keeping blood sugar as close to normal should be a goal. "Normal" would be an average in the 80's. Long term higher blood sugar (even just "elevated") can damage the retina and also cause glaucoma which is why diabetics should
always have eye annual exams by ophthalmologists. Your doctor should make sure your A1c is under 7 (better to be 6, actually, or under) and that your kidney and liver functions are within those normal parameters on the lab results. GFR is one of those lab results for kidneys and is very important. Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to dialysis. It can also lead to heart attacks and poor circulation - which killed my own mother after they had to amputate her leg.
The good news is that these complications can be avoided if blood sugar is completely controlled. I understand what you're saying about
depending on meds to control blood sugar. I don't know the answer. I do know that our mindset is important about
not giving up or giving in. I see by your sig that you're also a PC patient. You have a lot on your mind and I get that. At the same time, you can decide to eat better for the diabetes and that would also affect your overall health.
Yeah, everything *I* like is what I shouldn't eat for diabetes. I've always loved bread and ice cream.
But there are some kinds of substitutes for sweets and even 'bread' products that satisfy a craving so it's not like we can't eat good and tasty food.
I'm 73 (which is always a shock when I think I'm that old, lol) and I'm just on metformin so my eating plan must be good so far. yay I have a husband and two adult kids who worry about
me and I don't want to be stupid about
my health. That sort of reins me back.
Want to talk about
food? My favorite subject.... I'm glad you posted. Hope you post again!