Hi Irene,
Well your numbers last november don't do you much good except for last november. BUY a glucose meter (shop around because there are lottsa deals where you can get them for very little money if you do some looking).
TEST yourself right after you wake up in the morning and see where you are. For a newly diagnosed type 2, this morning number is initially the most important as it tells us whats happening to your body when you're not eating...in other words, what should be your baseline. IF that number is out of bounds then you should by all means start the meds you were prescribed again (just let the doctor know your doing this).
Metformin has a wide variety of other things it does to help protect a diabetic besides just lowering your insulin resistence so you might want to reconsider your decision to stop taking it.
Get those numbers and we can certainly be of more help from there.