^ no not at all! i wanted honesty! i appreciate it from your perspective. i'm well aware i'm a bistander!
thank you all for the replies! and yes, he is *in control* i suppose you could say. aside from afew issues when he switched insuline types and shifts at the same time as i'd said. erm lol i'm aware of what goes on when you go hypo. lol hubby kindly broke 4 of my ribs in 5 places when i was giving him glucose!! he came to just long enough to react and then pass out again! (gel glucose lol i wasn't shoving a tablet into his unconcious mouth!!)
i know- he gets moody when high, and off the wall when low. i can appreciate what he goes through during those times, from the looks of it, it seems much like what preceeds a seizure for me- i get pretty mean/angry over nothing and start reacting more than thinking, and after, i'm completely out of it and tend to take a swing at the first person who comes near me due to the confusion and pain...fight or flight as you'd said.
i suppose the constant calculations etc doesn't enter my mind- he *seems* so adapted to it, it never occured to me that it would be an issue. see, hubby, as close as we are and as well as we know eachother, he's not a very expressive person and isn't much of a talker! i'd ask him myself, but from past experience, i know he'll take it as either a nagging type question and get annoyed, or give a very general whatever answer...either way, leaves me as ignorant as before i'd asked!!!
as for what he complains about...everything! lol he gets exasperated when he needs to take a shot, annoyed when he needs to bring himself up a bit, frustrated when his blood sugar isn't where it should be (either end hi-ish or low-ish) and of course, i can completely sympathise with the arse pain of cost of meds. granted- he's got me there, i have no expensive equipment to pay for.
i suppose i am comparing myself to him in a way. i guess i see it as...if he's low or high or maintaining or whatever- he can adjust it and go about whatever it was he was doing. an inconvenience to be sure, but still i didn't see it as a hinderance. where as...if i'm "off"...well that's it, it's over! for how long...meh time will tell. or maybe i just won't wake up this time.
lol to the "well meaning people" who mention the family/friends with diabetes who've had amputations or whatnot! i can relate to that for sure! that...i think no matter what your problem is, is a common bond! i see it as something to laugh at! i've been refused jobs...people actually had the nerve to speak slower/louder when they find out i have epilepsy...as if i'm a complete moron! i can imagine the nonsense people come up with to *relate* or whatever they're trying to do in terms of diabetes. meh...it takes all kinds.
may i ask...if you've made it this far into my rambles...i tend not to speak to hubby about this- and frankly, it's better from the horses mouth than researching it in my opinion, but the risk of complications for type 1, controlled guy....healthy other than the obvious and hypothyroidism (he's on meds and that too is controlled) in general- ballpark type %....is it a hit n miss luck thing as far as possibilities of complications, or is it type related....etc?
again, thank you for the replies. i can't say as i completely understand his frustration, i don't think i ever will. we're total opposites in terms of nearly everything, i think maybe i can't get into his head that way? but i'm trying. and i'll definetly have a look see for that older thread you'd mentioned. again, thanks!