Mornin', B....I think I'm liking Levemir more than Lantus. With Lantus... I always had high bedtime levels, I found that it stung no matter where I injected or how slowly, suffered lows almost daily, but it was only 1 injection a day. With Levemir... I have high morning numbers and inject twice a day (12Us @7:30AM & 7:30PM) but, there's no sting.
My Educator told me that, because it's new (only got it here in Canada this year), they're still finding out a lot about
it. For instance, they thought it would be a measured 1:1 dose when switching from Lantus but, they've since discovered that it works better with 2 shots per day and also that most switchers from Lantus or NPH find they need more Levemir; higher doses. Also, Levemir has sent me into a low low in the middle of the night the two times I had an alcoholic drink in the evening, despite my trying to avoid it by overcompensating with food. I decided a few years ago to just not drink (it never really agreed with me), and the few times I've had alcohol since Rx'd Diabetic, the effects made me feel "wierd" and on Levemir go low.
I've been trying since my Type 1 diagnosis to achieve some kind of "maintenance level" of my blood sugars but haven't been able to so far. The one thing I give myself Kudos for is keeping my weight almost exactly at 110lbs (where I want to be). Since Rx'd, I've not missed logging: a single gram of food, glucose check, insulin injection, etc., all in an effort to understand what I could possibly alter in my regimen to get better control. I've been working with my team on an almost weekly basis for a year and a half; tweaking and changing insulin, doses, meal plans, ratios, everything. The best I've done is just these past couple of weeks, I haven't had a low and my levels during the day are good. Just wish I weren't so sick today and yesterday. Gotta chest cold and morning levels have been really high (had a 26.4 the other day :-( Oh well, c'est la vie! Such is life sometimes and we just have to move forward, right?
Sorry for the long post