Thanks for the info ladies. So do some people control their diabetes with just diet and exercise? and is it very hard to do?
A couple of years ago my fasting blood levels were 115 and I lost some weight and it came down to normal levels and stayed there. I think that the weight has been creeping up slowly but surely. I think my doctor wants to give me the option of losing weight to see if I can control it without meds. He called my condition pre-diabetic. He is one of the best cardiologist in the West Coast, and he is all about preventative meds for any condition.
It is disappointing to me to see that all that gym going and exercise still aren't enough. Plus like I said before I am not considered fat.
I have never been on a diet tho because I try to eat healthy.
Has anyone gone to a dietician to help them out? That is my next step so she can look at my diet and help me out with it. I already do tons of exercise so that is not a problem.
I appreciate any comments.
Tex-Mex girl