Talk about a wide range! I scoured the web with those questions a few times. My doctor says she doesn't want my fasting to be over 110. (She's a GP not an edno.) She says I'm pre-diabetic because my fasting numbers have been around 115 for a couple of years. So, I'm controlling what I can by diet and exercise, not meds. What I found in various other sources is that there are goals for those who have diabetes and those who don't. But those who don't have diabetes don't know what their blood sugars are unless they monitor! A website says the ADA says a fasting blood glucose level of 126 or higher would mean diabetes,or a 2-hour glucose tolerance test of 200 or higher, or a random test of 200 or higher and symptoms of diabetes (which we're probably aware of: thirst, weight loss numbness in hands or feet...). And they say if your fasting is between 100 and 126, you're pre-diabetic. I also think that now the medical profession wants lower numbers than what were acceptable years ago.
Another website (can't remember which one) says for "normals" fasting is <100, before lunch or dinner <110, 2 hours after meals 100 - 120, bedtime <120, and the A1c <6%. For people with diabetes: fasting 90 - 130, before lunch or dinner 90 - 130, 2 hours after meals <160, bedtime 110-150, and A1c <7%.
I'm sure others will come along with different numbers but those were what I found. In any case, mjr, those numbers in the 200's are not good according to any doctor, I'm sure. If she'd had higher numbers and they're actually coming down, then I could see the doctor being happy as long as they were continuing to get lower and lower.
Do those on meds have different goals for the blood glucose levels compared to those who don't take meds?
Have a good day and eat those vegetables and exercise.