Hi, Apple....I'm a Type1 and use my stomach area for my NovoRapid (with meals), as it is the area with the quickest absorbtion rate - unless you hit muscle
I inject there 3-5 times/day so I alternate sides each time.
I use my hips/butt area and sometimes my thighs to inject my Levemir; alternating sides for the twice/day injection. Some folks also use the back/side of the upper arm, too - I just can't handle the single-handedness required to inject in that area
Hi, leolucy.....hubby may want to try some of the alternate spots suggested and leave the right side stomach alone for a while. Sometimes the area just needs a break. Could also be something like clothes rubbing the same spot (think belt buckle), or a particular posture, especially if he sits a lot/has desk job.