Hi everyone,
I've never ventured into the diabetes forum before; I'm usually in the colitis or depression groups but I felt like maybe you all could offer some advice or reassurance.
My mom has had insulin-dependant diabetes since she was young. She gives herself a shot every morning, or maybe more but that's the only time I see her do it. If she misses so much as one meal or snack, she gets really sick. She also had to have laser eye surgery about
a year ago to repair some bleeding vessels due to her diabetes that they said would have caused her to go blind otherwise.
I only ever remember a few incidents of her going into diabetic shock when I was young. One time that my dad got under control, and one time that we had to call the paramedics. Maybe there was more that I don't remember, but it was still a rare occurrence. But in the last year, it's been getting more and more frequent, and now my dad has had to call the paramedics three times in the last two days and they're on their way to the hospital with her right now.
I just don't understand what's going on. I'm in Iowa and they're in Florida so I'm just sick with worry right now because no one can talk on their phone and tell me what's happening. The paramedics were just at the house a few hours ago and now she's sick again. I'm sure most of you know how it goes, but she starts acting strange, you can just look at her and tell when she's getting sick, although she always denies it. Then she goes unresponsive, clammy... One day I woke up to find her lying on the couch and the dogs were barking at her. She was supposed to be at work so I didn't know how long she had been out. I couldn't even get her to look at me. I tried putting the glucose gel in her mouth and it wasn't working. We called 911 and when they checked her blood sugar levels, they were in the single digits. Last night, my sister said it was at 33. I don't know what normal levels are but I imagine this isn't good.
Sorry, I'm rambeling now. What I'm wondering is... What does this mean? Why is her routine that always did so well suddenly not working at all? Why does she keep going into diabetic shock?